
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Girl's Night!

My girlfriends and I get together every month.  We used to go out to eat, but now we each take turns hosting in our homes, which is way more fun!

March was my month to host.  Of course I took the opportunity to try out some new recipes!

Don't they look yummy?

I made grilled eggplant with Italian style tomatoes, tortellini skewers with pesto dipping sauce, and pizza monkey bread.  These were all new recipes I found via pinterest.  (Follow me here!)

Each recipe was slightly adjusted from the original, and here's what I did:

Grilled Eggplant
(Idea from Laylita's Recipes)

Slice up your eggplant and toss with some oil, salt and pepper.  Then I used my trusty old George Foreman grill to grill the eggplant slices.  (Shhhhh, don't tell anyone- I used canned diced tomatoes that were already seasoned with garlic, oregano, and basil.)  There's nothing wrong with shortcuts in my book!  ;)  Then I sprinkled each appetizer with Parmesan cheese.

Pizza Monkey Bread

(Idea from Confections of a Foodie Bride)

I pretty much followed her directions, except I left out the pepperoni.  (Did you notice all of my recipes are meatless?  One of my besties is vegetarian!)

This turned out SO WELL!  I highly recommend it.

This is before it went in the oven....

And this is after it came out of the oven....

After I flipped it onto the plate... ta da!

Tortellini Skewers

This was the simplest of my recipes, but made a great presentation.  And who doesn't love cheese-filled tortellini?

I boiled the tortellini, stuck them on some skewers, and cracked open a jar of pesto sauce.  (You didn't think I actually made the pesto sauce, did you?)