
Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Few Too Many

I'm not the only one who keeps a stash of plastic grocery bags, right?  I know my mom does anyway - like mother, like daughter, I guess!  Anyway, I keep them after a shopping trip because I use them as little trash can liners throughout the house. 

But c'mon, this is way too many!  They're taking over our closet, for crying out loud!!

I'm sure you've all seen those holders that dispense the bags at the bottom, haven't you?  Well, here's my take on it.  I was eager to create something quickly, and it was late, and I was tired, so I didn't measure.  I just eyeballed everything.  So I'll do my best to explain how I did it.  But first, I better include this little disclaimer-

I have no formal sewing training (shocking, isn't it?!  Well, besides those few years of Home Ec. in middle school, anyway).  So, when I explain the way I do something, it may not always be the "correct" way, and you can bet I won't be using the proper sewing jargon. 

OK, so now that we got that out of the way.  Let's begin!

I picked an old fabric I had stashed away that I knew I wasn't going to use for anything special.  And this little contraption is going to be hidden away in the closet anyway, so who cares what it looks like, right?

I cut a big rectangle approximately 30 x 18 inches, so when folded in half it's about 15 x 9 inches.  And like I said, I didn't measure first, I just cut a big piece out and then checked the measurements for the sake of this tutorial.  (Now that it's all said and done though, I wish I had cut a larger piece.  So if you're trying this, go bigger!)

Next I folded and ironed the bottom up twice to make an elastic casing.

Now you want to turn your rectangle into a tube, so fold in half lengthwise with right sides together, and sew closed.  Turn right side out.

To make the strap, I cut a long narrow piece and folded it into itself and sewed down the edges, and attached it to the tube.

Stuff the holder with plastic bags, one at a time.

The closet is no longer being attacked by a plastic bag invasion.

1 comment:

  1. Holly I am always amazed at what you come up with and the material is actually cute!
