
Monday, March 26, 2012

The Taggy Blanket

This is C's little Taggies Blankie, the fancy, expensive "name brand" that we bought when she was a baby.  You know, the days when we had extra money to throw around.  (Let's just say we're much more thrifty these days!  )

B LOVES cuddling with it.  The only problem is, it's very girly.  Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a boy playing with "girly" things, it's just I thought it would be nice for him to have his own.

And so it begins... double the amount of stuff because you need both the girl AND boy version.  By the way, this is one of the first things I thought of when I first found out we were having a boy.  OH MY, we're going to have twice the amount of toys, clothing, STUFF, etc....

But I digress.

Here's how I made this Daddy-approved taggy blanket.  Go Phillies!

-2 pieces of coordinating fabric (I used 1 fleece and 1 flannel)
-matching ribbon, cut into small strips
-straight pins
-sewing machine

This blanket is not very big.  It's just enough for your little one to snuggle up with.  Cut 2 pieces of coordinating fabric about a square foot in size.  Place pieces right side together.

Take a piece of ribbon and fold it in half.  Place the folded side inside the two layers (so the cut ends go slightly past the edge of the fabric.)  Do this around all 4 edges.

Here's what it will look like when the blanket gets turned right side out....

Sew all around the edges, leaving a small opening to turn right side out.

Turn it right side out, and top stitch around the whole blanket, closing the hole.

And here's your finished blanket!

And now both kiddos can cuddle with their own blankies!

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