
Friday, May 25, 2012

Decorative Door Hanging

It's almost June.  And I still had this on the front door.  Embarrassing, I know.

But not anymore!

Check out this personalized door hanging I painted!

Want to make one for yourself?  Here's how!

Wood Plaque(s) - I used two.
Paint and Paintbrush - I needed 2 different sizes
Wood Glue

Paint the plaques in your desired shade.  I got one of those paint sets that had coordinating colors.  Let dry.  I had to apply 2-3 coats in some areas.

Here you can see the different steps in order.

Apply a clear varnish.  Remember to go outside for proper ventilation!  Allow to dry completely.

Add a pretty bow, and a strap to hang it on.

Hang it on your door, and admire!  So pretty!  This would make a great gift, too!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Homemade Sugar Body Scrub

I am so glad I found this recipe!  Maybe Matilda's jars are much fancier than mine, but I think they still look pretty!  I was just making it for myself, but if I were giving this as a gift, I may have put more effort into what the jar looked like.  

You can reuse any kind of jar you'd like (they also have a nice selection at the craft store in all shapes and sizes), just make sure you have a lid that goes with it.  

Here's what I did:
Remove old label from jar.
Paint the lid.
Add a new label.  (I easily created this from a Word document.)

Make the scrub:  (this is my adapted recipe, since I was using much smaller jars than she did)
1/4 cup Sugar
3 T Baby Oil
3 drops of Fragrance Oil

Mix well.  Add a few drops of food color, if desired.

Directions: Use 1-2 times per week.

According to Exfoliation 101Immediately after using an exfoliator on your skin, it will glow and feel smooth and soft. That's because you have buffed away the thin layer of dead skin cells that accumulates throughout the day. Buffing this dead skin away will keep it from clogging pores which can lead to blackheads, whiteheads and acne. Buffing away the dead skin cells (along with excess dirt and oil) can also help reduce or prevent the appearance of fine lines by gently removing that first layers of skin.