
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Where has the time gone?

So, it's been a while since my last post.  What can I say?  It's been busy.  Kids have been sick, housework has piled up, and so I haven't gotten around to my craft desk lately.  But life goes on, and here I am!  :-)

I just wanted to take a second to show you some of my favorite appliqued shirts available on my etsy page.  Shirts are made to order, and can be made in infant sizes up through child sizes.  I've even done some shirts for adults!

The possibilities are endless!  I'm also on facebook!  You can like my page here.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Reusable Swiffer Cover

When I saw this over at Cami's Blog, I thought it was such a great idea!  No more spending money on those wasteful disposable swiffer pads! 

I threw this swiffer cover together in less than 30 minutes.  I had everything I needed already in my craft closet, but you may need to find a few things at the craft store:

-terry cloth fabric (or any fabric that's sturdy enough for cleaning floors)
-thread/sewing machine

I laid my swiffer on top of my fabric.  You want to cut it out about 2 inches larger than your swiffer, so it has room to stretch around it.

Finish the edge by sewing a zigzag stitch (or serging) all the way around to prevent fraying.

Now it's time to sew on the elastic onto the wrong side of the fabric.  If you're using terry, there's really no "wrong" side.  (Remember to use a zigzag stitch to keep the elastic stretchy!)  As you sew, pull the elastic so it's as stetched out as possible.  This step is a bit tricky, so take it slow.

By the way, I should probably let Dritz and Swiffer know about all the free advertising I've given them.

And that's it!  Put it on your Swiffer and you're ready to clean! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Angel Food Cake French Toast

Half breakfast, half dessert.  Yes, please!

Mix up your regular ol' angel food cake mix according to directions.


But go ahead.  I know you want to.  I won't tell a soul.

Ah, perfection!

Mix up your egg batter: 6 beaten eggs, 1 1/2 cups of milk, 3 Tbsp of sugar, and 2 tsp of vanilla.

Cut your angel food cake into 1 inch slices, and dip each slice in the egg batter for 1 minute per side.

Cook slices on a griddle until golden.  Serve with maple syrup.

 It is very sweet, and very filling.  But oh so good!  I felt a little guilty eating cake for breakfast, but I got over it!  Hope you enjoy it!

Recipe from: