
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grandmother's Gift

I found this lovely gift idea on pinterest, but it was just a photo, and no link to a blog, so I'm sorry I can't post my source. 
(If it's you, please let me know, and I'd be happy to link it up!) 

I decided to change it up a bit.

Here's what I used for my own version...

-a picture frame
-hot glue gun/glue
-ribbon, buttons, any type of decorations for your clothespins
-word printout of Grandkids Make Life Grand

Decorate clothespins in any style you want, and then hot glue the clothespins to the frame.  My mom has 10 grandchildren, so I put the clothespins around the frame symmetrically.  (And there's room to add more, if the time comes!)  Photos can be changed as often as you'd like.

So pretty!

And a quick shout out to my mom-

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ruffle Canvas Tote

Isn't this cute? 

I have to give credit to Heidi over at sew.craft.create. Found via pinterest, of course.  ;)

I've really been into ruffles these days, but can you blame me?  They make a plain ol' canvas tote into a cute, shabby chic bag.



Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Meet "Big Baby"

Sister Baby.  Paci Baby.  Soft Baby.  Big Baby.  These are the names of a few of Callie's favorite baby dolls.  She named them herself.  Obviously.

Big Baby is Callie's #1 doll.  It was a hand-me-down from Callie's step great-grandmother (Brian's PopPop remarried in his 70's!).  Her hair is a bit unruly, ahem, to say the least.  

I knew that Callie would LOVE to have a matching outfit to wear with Big Baby.  And my mom had just given me some of Nana's old clothes, thinking that I could use the fabric for something.  It was more than enough to create these adorable matching outfits!  I'm thrilled with how they turned out!

I've never made doll clothes before, so this was a bit of a trial and error, and not exactly perfect.  But, definitely cute enough!

Take a peek...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Making old things new!

I just love making old things into something new!  Don't you?!

Here are some empty aluminum cans that I just couldn't bear to throw away.  They were just screaming, "do something with me!"

So I did.

I think they turned out cute, if I do say so myself!

And here they are in use on my bathroom shelf.  Perfect!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Mini Makeover!

Short and sweet!


Yikes.  My natural, thick, wavy, frizzy mess!  


Ah.  Much better.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Refashion that old t-shirt!

This turned out better than I thought it would!  When I saw the idea here, I thought, "well that looks adorable, but is it really as simple as she is making it out to be?!"

YES!  It is!

It's so simple, in fact, that I don't even need to give you instructions.  You can see exactly what I did from the pictures.  Well, ok, maybe just a few instructions are needed.  ;)

I started with hubby's old, size Large, t-shirt.

Cut off the collar and sleeves.

Fold the top cut edge down about 3/4" to make a casing for the straps.  Sew.

 From the scrap pieces, cut 2 straps the same length, and thin enough to fit through your casing.

They don't have to be identical, because you won't see the imperfections once it's inside the casing and tied together as straps.

Put a safety pin on the end so you can feed it through the casing.  Repeat with other strap.

Tie straps and you've made yourself a cute little tank!  I also wanted to add a little flare to it, so I thought I could do something creative with the collar of the original shirt.

First I cut it out.

And cut through one time to make 1 long strip.  Then I started rolling it, with intentions of making a rosette.

It started off nicely, but I wasn't impressed with the final product, so I unrolled it and tied a simple bow.  Much better.

Adds a nice touch, don't you think?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Decorative Door Hanging

It's almost June.  And I still had this on the front door.  Embarrassing, I know.

But not anymore!

Check out this personalized door hanging I painted!

Want to make one for yourself?  Here's how!

Wood Plaque(s) - I used two.
Paint and Paintbrush - I needed 2 different sizes
Wood Glue

Paint the plaques in your desired shade.  I got one of those paint sets that had coordinating colors.  Let dry.  I had to apply 2-3 coats in some areas.

Here you can see the different steps in order.

Apply a clear varnish.  Remember to go outside for proper ventilation!  Allow to dry completely.

Add a pretty bow, and a strap to hang it on.

Hang it on your door, and admire!  So pretty!  This would make a great gift, too!